How to use and maximize OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector

Descubre cómo aprovechar al máximo este tratamiento reparador revolucionario para un cabello más sano, brillante y fuerte que nunca.

Discover how to make most of this game-changing hair repair treatment for healthier, shinier and stronger hair.

Qué es OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector? What is OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector?

Un tratamiento reparador diseñado para reducir la rotura y fortalecer todo tipo de cabello. Restaura el aspecto saludable y la textura del cabello al reparar el daño y proteger la estructura capilar. OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector está especifícamente formulado para mejorar el aspecto y la salud del cabello reparando cada mechón desde el interior.

An at-home hair repair treatment designed to reduce breakage and strengthen all hair types. It restores hair´s healthy appearance and texture by repairing damage and protecting hair structure. OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector is formulated to improve hair’s overall look and feel by repairing each strand from the inside out.

La ciencia detrás de OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector The science behind OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector

OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector es un tratamiento reparador con un activo patentado que funciona a nivel molecular para reparar los enlaces dañados y rotos del cabello a causa de agresiones químicas, térmicas y mecánicas. Una sola molécula, Bis-Aminopropyl Diglycol Dimaleate, restaura el cabello dañado y debilitado y está comprobado que repara, protege y fortalece drásticamente todo tipo de cabello. No contiene formaldehídos, sulfatos, ftalatos, fosfatos, gluten, paravenos y es cruelty-free.

OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector is a bond repair hair treatment with a patented active that works on a molecular level to repair damaged and broken bonds in hair caused by chemical, thermal, and mechanical damage. A single molecule, Bis-Aminopropyl Diglycol Dimaleate, restores damaged and compromised hair and is proven to dramatically repair, protect, and strengthen all hair types. Formaldehyde, sulphate, phthalte, phosphate, gluten, paraven and cruelty free, is clean and safe to use.

Cómo utilizar OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector How to use OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector

OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector es un tratamiento que puedes aplicar tu misma en casa después de haber realizado un tratamiento profesional en la peluquería, generalmente durante la coloración con los productos OLAPLEX Nº1 Bond Multiplier y OLAPLEX Nº2 Bond Perfector. Sin embargo, se puede usar perfectamente como tratamiento reparador sin el tratamiento profesional previo y apreciar también resultados impresionantes.

OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector no es un acondicionador o una mascarilla y no debe utilizarse como tal. Estas son las indicaciones de uso recomendadas:

  • Utilízalo preferiblemente una vez a la semana.
  • Aplica 5 ml para media melena y 10 ml para cabello largo. No uses más cantidad pensando que actuará mejor. Una dosis pequeña garantiza excelentes resultados.
  • Aplica el producto en el cabello limpio, húmedo y previamente secado con toalla, de la raíz a las puntas y peina a continuación.
  • Deja actuar durante 10 minutos y enjuaga. Seguidamente lava el pelo con tu champú y acondicionador habitual.

OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector is an at-home treatment to be used after a professional treatment applied at the hairedresser’s, usually during coloring services, using OLAPLEX Nº1 Bond Multiplier and OLAPLEX Nº2 Bond Perfector. However, it can perfectly be used as a repair treatment with no need to get the professional treatment done and still notice impressive results.

OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector is not a conditioner or a hair mask so it shouldn’t be used as such. These are the recomended use instructions:

  • Use it once a week.
  • Apply 5ml for mid-length hair and 10ml for long hair. Do not use anymore quantity thinking it will improve performance. A small amount guarantees excellent results.
  • Apply on clean, wet and towel dried hair from roots to ends and comb through.
  • Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off.
  • Shampoo and condition as usual.

Cómo maximizar el resultado de OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector How to maximize OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector performance

Con un precio de 28€ por sólo 100 ml, puedes maximizar los resultados de esta maravilla de producto siguiendo este consejo. En lugar de dejarlo durante 10 minutos, puedes intensificar su rendimiento dejando el tratamiento durante mucho más tiempo. Aplica según las indicaciones y ponte un gorro de ducha. Deja el tratamiento actuar el mayor tiempo posible. Puedes usarlo como tratamiento de noche, pero no lo dejes más de 10 horas. Enjuagua y lava con tu champú y acondicionador habitual. Al instante, notarás que tu cabello está profundamente hidratado y se nota más suave, sedoso y flexible. Una vez seco, verás una mejora generalizada en tu cabello, con un aspecto más saludable, brillante y completamente restaurado.

At 28€ retail price for only 100ml, you can maximize the results of this little wonder haircare product following this tip. Instead of leaving it on for 10 minutes, you can intensify performance by leaving the treatment on for longer. Apply as directed and wear a shower cap, leaving the treatment on for as long as you can. You can use it as an overnight treatment, but for no longer than 10 hours. Rinse off, shampoo and condition as usual. You will instantly notice your hair is deeply hydrated and feeling softer, silkier and more manageable. Once dry, you’ll see and overall improvement on your hair, looking healthier, shinier and fully restored.

Mi experiencia con OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector My experience with OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector

Este es de hecho el único producto capilar de uso en casa que realmente ha reparado mi cabello y lo ha transformado de seco, quebradizo, dañado y encrespado a suave, manejable, saludable y si apenas encrespamiento. Mi pelo ha experimentado un verdadero cambio con OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector, se nota y se ve más sano, brillante y con más cuerpo. Por fin un producto que realmente funciona y cumple con lo que dice, incluso superando mis expectativas. Es con diferencia mi tratamiento favorito para reparar el cabello.

Disponible en Amazon.

This is actually the only at-home haircare product that has truly repaired my hair and transformed it from dry, brittle, damaged and frizzy to soft, manageable, healthy and frizz-free. My hair feels and looks healthier, shinier and full of bounce. OLAPLEX Nº3 Hair Perfector has been a real game-changer for my hair. I finally found a haircare product that actually performs and does what it claims, even exceeding my expectations. It is by far my favorite hair repair treatment.

Available at Amazon.

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  1. Me gustó mucho, creo que lo tengo que probar.

    1. Este producto le ha ido de maravilla a mi melena. Ya me contarás que tal te va si lo pruebas.

      1. Claro que si, lo probaré y te cuento. Gracias.

  2. I love the whole Olaplex line I use 3 4 5 6 and 7

    1. My next buy is Nº4 and Nº6, I can´t wait to try them!! Not too sure about Nº5 because my hair gets very weighted down when I use conditioner.

    2. I was replying to your last comment and I must have deleted it by mistake. Thank you for sharing about the conditioner, in that case I will buy it as well.

  3. I really wanted to try this but was little skeptical !! Now after reading your post, I really feel like giving it a try!!😀

    1. I was also very skeptical to try it. In fact, the product was released long ago and I just gave it a try recently. I have tried so many hair products that didn´t perform… but this one actually worked for my hair! Thank you for commenting and let me know how you get on if you finally try Olaplex Nº3.

      1. You have given me confidence to go ahead with this product. Will try & surely let you know the results !😀 Thank you so much😊

      2. Please do! I hope it also works for your hair and thank you so much for your comments.

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