The best lip balms with the perfect balance between skincare and makeup

Si quieres unos labios bonitos y a la vez saludables, los bálsamos labiales con color son lo tuyo. Descubre la nueva generación de bálsamos labiales diseñados para conseguir los labios naturales y jugosos que triunfan esta temporada.

If you are looking for truly kissable yet comfortable lips, tinted lip balms are your thing. Discover the new generation of lip balms designed to get the coveted luscious, natural-looking lips of the season.

Labios naturales Natural-looking lips

Cuándo fue la última vez que te emocionó un bálsamo labial? Durante muchos años, los bálsamos labiales han sido productos básicos y funcionales para hidratar, calmar y reparar los labios secos y agrietados, fin de la historia. Pero recientemente, con el maquillaje natural en plena tendencia, los bálsamos labiales están teniendo un gran momento. Olvídate de la idea de un bálsamo labial hidratante y transparente en un envase práctico y sencillo. Los bálsamos labiales han evolucionado y actualmente hacen mucho más que simplemente hidratar tus labios.

When was the last time you got excited about a lip balm? For many years lip balms have been basic, functional products to hydrate, sooth and repair dry, chapped cracked lips, end of story. But recently, with the natural-looking makeup trend being so dominant, lip balms are having a major upgrade. Forget the notion of a clear lip balm in practical, simple packaging only designed to get its hydrating duties done. Lip balms have come a long way and these days they do much more than simply hydrate your lips.

Cuando bálsamo labial y barra de labios se unen When lip balm meets lipstick

Esta nueva categoría de bálsamos labiales son productos híbridos con el equilibrio perfecto entre tratamiento y maquillaje. Con ácido hialurónico, antioxidantes, aceites nutritivos y vitaminas, estos bálsamos con propiedades cosméticas no sólo hidratan sino que también tratan los labios aumentando la elasticidad, combatiendo la pérdida de hidratación, acondicionando y protegiendo la piel y aportando volumen para unos labios jóvenes y jugosos. Además, estos productos de belleza versátiles funcionan como barras de labios de acabado traslúcido, proporcionando un toque de color sutil pero duradero a tus labios. Si esto no fuera suficiente, estos bálsamos labiales incorporan todo el glamour de una barra de labios. En envases preciosos, estos renovados bálsamos labiales son la incorporación perfecta a cualquier colección de maquillaje.

This new category of lips balms are hybrid products with the treatment benefits of skincare plus the color pay-off of a lipstick. Packed with hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, nourishing oils and vitamins, these lip balms not only hydrate but also treat lips increasing elasticity, fighting the loss of hydration, conditioning and protecting lip skin and adding plumping benefits to get youthful-looking, luscious lips. In addition, these versatile beauty products perform like sheer lipsticks, adding a subtle yet long-lasting stain of color to your lips. If this wasn’t enough, these lip balms incorporate all the glam you would look for in a lipstick. In beautiful packagings, these upgraded lip balms are the stylish addition to any makeup collection.

Tips para potenciar tu bálsamo labial Tips to enhance your lip balm

Prueba estos consejos antes de aplicar tu bálsamo labial para conseguir unos labios jugosos de aspecto más joven:

  • Exfolia suavemente tus labios con un tratamiento exfoliante especifico para alisarlos, suavizarlos y darles tersura.
  • Redensifica y redefine el contorno de tus labios aplicando un serum de ácido hialurónico.
  • Perfila tus labios con un perfilador del mismo tono que tu bálsamo labial bordeando externamente la línea natural de tus labios para dar el aspecto de unos labios más voluminosos.

Before applying your lip balm, try these tips to get younger-looking, luscious lips:

  •  Gently exfoliate lips with a specific exfoliating treatment to smooth, soften and plump your lips.
  • Redensify and redefine the lip contour applying a hyaluronic acid serum.
  • To optically get fuller lips, define your lips with a lip liner that matches your lip balm color, slightly out-lining your natural lip line.

Descubre a contiuación los mejores bálsamos labiales con tratamiento y color para todos los presupuestos.

Ahead, the best lip balms with skincare and makeup properties at all price points.

Mejores bálsamos labiales con color para todos los presupuestos Best tinted lip balms for all budgets

CARMEX Moisture Plus Lip Blam 6,10€

Con vitamina E, aloe vera, manteca de karité y factor de protección solar SPF 15.

With vitamin E, aloe vera, shea butter and SPF 15 sun protection.

MAC Tendertalk Lip Balm 19€

Súper hidratante, de larga duración y con un velo de color muy natural.

Super moisturising, long-lasting and with a sheer, natural-looking tint.

FRESH Sugar Tinted Lip Treatment 22€

Hidrata, protege y alisa los labios con aceites nutritivos, azúcar y factor de protección solar SPF 15.

It hydrates, protects and smoothes lips with nourishing oils, sugar and SPF 15 sun protection.

NARS After Glow Lip Balm 28€

Con complejo Monoï Hydrating Complex para un confort suave y elástico y una mezcla de antioxidantes para proteger los labios. Su fórmula hidratante con un toque iridiscente dorado aporta color traslúcido y acabado radiante.

With Monoï Hydrating Complex for soft and elastic comfort and a blend of antioxidants to protect lips. Its hydrating formula with a golden iridescent touch provides sheer color and glowy finish.

DIOR Addict Lip Glow 37,50€

Enriquecido con manteca de mango y aceite de cereza para una hidratación óptima durante 24 horas. Color traslúcido y brillo de larga duración. Con 97 % de ingredientes de origen natural.

Infused with mango butter and cherry oil for 24 hours optimal hydration. Long-lasting sheer color and shine. With 97% ingredients of natural origin.

YSL Rouge Voluptée Shine Lipstick Balm 35€

Proporciona brillo, color suave y confort hidratante en un sólo paso. Este híbrido barra de labios-bálsamo de cobertura suave está elaborado con un 65% de aceites esenciales para nutrir, suavizar y proporcionar un acabado muy saludable y súper natural.

It provides luscious shine, soft color and hydrating comfort effortlessly. This light coverage lipstick-balm hybrid is made with 65% essential oils to nourish and smooth lips for the most healthy and natural-looking result.

Te gustan los bálsamos labiales con color? Cuáles son tus favoritos? Has probado alguno de estos productos? No olvides dejar tu opinión en la sección de comentarios.

Do you love tinted lip balms? Which are your favorites? Have you tried any of these products? Don´t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section.

Muchas gracias por leer y hasta la próxima publicación!

Thank you so much for reading and see you next post!

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  1. Aw these are all so pretty. I’ve been eyeing a tinted balm by a local company called Wake Make and your post makes me want to go and check it out again.

    What lip colours do you wear personally? How’s lip make up coming along in Spain – do you still have a mask mandate over there? I haven’t been doing foundation or lip makeup for the longest time now because of the masks and really miss wearing a full face of makeup.

    1. I love natural rosy hues and also all shades of warm blush, from light to deep.

      Masks are no longer mandatory outdoors as long as you can keep social distance with people around you, which means if you live in a city, you have to wear a mask at all times. I still leave home wearing a mask, I feel it’s the right thing to do at the moment, as the pandemic is not over yet. I also miss wearing lipstick. I find that sheer and soft lip balms are actually a nice alternative to wear under masks.

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  2. I like these balms as an everyday type of lipstick for the office. It’s a lot less intimidating than a full on lipstick. The Nars lip balm looks so delicious!

    1. Yes, they’re great for everyday use. Nars After Glow Lip Balm is one of my favorite lip balms at the moment!

  3. With the exception of Zoom calls, I have not focused on highlighting my lips since the pandemic began as mask wearing is still highly recommended where I live. Thank you for opening my eyes to lip balms and inviting me to consider that they can be an alternative to wear under masks.

    1. Mask wearing is also recomended where I live so lipstick has been ruled out for many months. Turning to lip balms was the way for me to enhance my lips without all the mess of a pigmented lipstick. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

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