TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Plumper review: does it really work?

TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Plumper no sólo promete unos labios visiblemente más rellenos al instante, sino también más gruesos con el uso continuado. Sigue leyendo para descubrir cómo usarlo, si su uso es seguro y si realmente funciona para conseguir unos labios más voluminosos.

TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Plumper not only promises visibly plumped lips instantly but also fuller lips with continued use. Keep reading to discover how to use it, if it’s safe to use and if it really works to get visibly fuller lips.

TOO FACED es una marca de belleza internacionalmente reconocida que se ha hecho famosa por lanzar cosméticos revolucionarios y de alto rendimiento como Better Than Sex Mascara, Born This Way Foundation o Lip Injection Lip Plumper, el brillo de labios de efecto relleno original lanzado en 2005 y uno de sus productos súper ventas. Su versión TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme es un brillo labial que no sólo ofrece unos labios visiblemente más rellenos al instante sino también unos labios más voluminosos a largo plazo con su uso continuado.

TOO FACED is a well stablished beauty brand known to launch high performance, revolutionary beauty products such as Better Than Sex Mascara, Born This Way Foundation or Lip Injection Lip Plumper, the original lip plumper launched in 2005. The bestseller got an upgrade in the shape of TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme, a lip plumper that not only offers instant plumping results but also long-term fuller lips with continued use.

Qué es TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper? What is TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper?

Un gloss de labios transparente que proporciona brillo e hidratación a los labios y funciona para dar volumen al instante y rellenar los labios con el uso continuado.

A clear lip gloss that provides moisture and shine and works to make lips look instantly plumper and get fuller lips with continued use.

Beneficios Benefits

Con tecnología avanzada de relleno de labios clínicamente probada y una mezcla de ingredientes que incluye colágeno, esferas de relleno marinas, aceites nutritivos y vitamina E, TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper, proporciona los siguientes beneficios:

  • Rellena y da rubor rojo natural a los labios de inmediato con Capsicum Frutescents Resin, un derivado del chile picante.
  • Proporciona labios más tersos y rellenos si se usa de forma continuada gracias al atelo-colágeno.
  • Protege los labios con vitamina E.
  • Hidrata y nutre los labios con una mezcla de aceite de aguacate y jojoba.
  • Proporciona brillo duradero.

With clinically proven advanced lip volumizing technology and a blend of ingredients including collagen, marine filling spheres, nourishing oils and vitamin E, TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper, provides the following benefits:

  • It immediately plumps and gives a natural red flush to lips with Capsicum Frutescents Resin, a hot chilly pepper derivative.
  • It provides long lasting volumizing effects when used regularly thanks to atelo-collagen.
  • It protects lips with vitamine E.
  • It dramatically hydrates and nourishes lips with a blend of avocado and jojoba oils.
  • It delivers long lasting gloss.

Cómo utilizarlo How to use it

  • Para unos labios más rellenos al instante, aplica sobre los labios limpios y secos. Aplica el gloss sin salirte del labio, ya que también vuelve roja la piel.
  • Para un efecto más relleno, delinea tus labios con un perfilador de un tono similar al color de tus labios un poco por fuera de la línea natural del labio y aplica el gloss sólo en el perímetro del labio.
  • Para un efecto de volumen extremo, aplicar sobre los labios limpios y secos y deja absorber. A continuación, aplica una barra de labios mate y termina con otra capa de TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper.
  • Para un efecto de volumen a largo plazo, aplica mañana y noche sobre los labios limpios y secos durante un tiempo mínimo de un mes.
  • Evita aplicar sobre labios cortados.
  • For instant fuller lips, apply on clean dry, lips. Make sure to only use it within the perimeter of your lips to avoid undesired redness.
  • For a more dramatic effect, use a lip liner with a similar hue of your natural lip color and line your lips just over the lip line. Apply lip gloss only within the perimeter of your lips.
  • For an extreme plumping effect, apply to clean dry, lips and let absorb. Follow by applying a matte lipstick. Finish with another coat of TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper.
  • For long-term plumping effects, apply morning and evening for at least one month on clean, dry lips.
  • Avoid applying on chapped lips.

Es seguro su uso? Is it safe to use?

Totalmente. Como cualquier otro producto de belleza de buena calidad, antes de su lanzamiento al mercado, es sometido a estrictos controles de seguridad. TOO FACED no se arriesgaría a poner a la venta un producto que no haya sido probado ser seguro para uso cosmético. A menos que seas alérgico a alguno de sus ingredientes, no notarás más que un ligero hormigueo o sensación de ardor con una muy leve hinchazón natural de la superfície del labio que desaparece en un par de horas. Recomiendo probarlo con precaución la primera vez que se usa para evitar reacciones alérgicas no deseadas y abstenerse de utilizarlo si se es alérgico a la soja, ya que contiene aceite de soja.

Absolutely. Like any other good quality beauty product, before launching on the market, it goes under strict safety controls. TOO FACED wouldn’t risk to put a product in the market that hadn’t been tested to be safe for cosmetic use. Unless you are allergic to any of its ingredients, you won’t get more than a slight tingly, burning sensation and a natural flushed redness with minimal swollen lip surface that dies down in a couple of hours. I would recommend to test it with caution the first time you use it to avoid undesired allergic reactions and to keep away from it if you are allergic to soya, as it contains soybean oil.

Mi reseña My review

Después de leer reseñas muy variadas en la página web de TOO FACED, debo admitir que estaba bastante confundida sobre si debía o no comprar TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper. Encontré muchas reseñas advirtiendo desde sensación de hormigueo y ardor después de la aplicación hasta reacciones alérgicas en forma de enrojecimiento y erupciones. Otras reseñas aseguraban que el producto no hace nada en absoluto y solo actúa como un brillo de labios normal, mientras varias reseñas con cinco estrellas afirmaban que el producto funciona de maravilla y deja los labios rellenos como ningún otro brillo de labios.

After reading very mixed reviews in the actual TOO FACED website, I must admit I was kind of confused wheter I should or should not buy TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper. I found many warning reviews reporting from tingling and burning sensation after aplication to allergic reactions in shape of redness and skin rushes. Other reviewers reported the product does nothing at all and only acts as a regular lip gloss, whilst there were several five star reviews claiming the product works wonders and leaves lips plumped like no other lip gloss.

Después de considerarlo mucho, finalmente decidí optar por el tamaño mini para probar el producto por mí misma y obtener mi propio veredicto. Primero probé TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper en la mano y observé un ligero enrojecimiento en el área exacta en la que había aplicado el producto que apareció unos 2 minutos después de la aplicación. Todo ello sin hormigueo, sin ardor, sin piel hinchada y sin reacciones alérgicas extendidas a otras partes de la mano. El enrojecimiento desapareció en un par de horas. Después de esperar 24 horas de rigor y no haber tenido otros signos adversos aparte del leve enrojecimiento, apliqué el gloss en mis labios, asegurándome de aplicarlo sólo en el labio, sin tocar la piel de alrededor para evitar enrojecimientos no deseados. Noté al instante una sensación de hormigueo y ardor para nada dolorosa y que duró unos 5 minutos. Mis labios se ruborizaron al instante y las pequeñas arrugas se rellenaron dejando una superficie labial tersa y suave. Llevé el brillo de labios durante todo el día y no noté ninguna reacción alérgica, erupción o daño en los labios, sino todo lo contrario, unos labios jugosos, brillantes y visiblemente más rellenos.

After much consideration, I finally decided to go for the mini size to test the product myself and have my own veredict. I first tested TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper on my hand and I got a slight redness in the exact area I applied the gloss about 2 minutes after application. No tingling, no burning, no swollen skin and no allergic rushes extended to any other parts of my hand. The redness dyed down in a couple of hours. After waiting 24 hours, and not having had any other warning signs apart from the slight redness, I applied the gloss in my lips, making sure to apply it only within the lip perimeter to prevent any undesired redness. I instantly noticed a tingly, burning sensation that wasn’t painful at all and lasted for about 5 minutes. My lips got an instant red flush and the lines in my lips started to fill leaving a soft, smooth lip surface. I had the lip gloss on the whole day and didn’t notice any allergic reactions, skin rushes or damaged lips but juicy, glossy, plumper lips instead.

El caso es que para que un brillo de labios proporcione efecto relleno, tiene que hacer algún tipo de reacción, de lo contrario sería un brillo de labios normal. TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper definitivamente proporciona unos labios visiblemente más rellenos, pero no es medicina estética y no te dará los resultados de un procedimiento estético. Creo que es importante remarcar que es imprescindible tener expectativas realistas para este tipo de productos porque básicamente sólo se trata de maquillaje, no magia. Mis labios son naturalmente gruesos y TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper me ayuda a potenciar volumen natural para mantenerlos gruesos con el paso del tiempo, ya que la pérdida de colágeno y elastina también afecta a los labios. A parte del efecto relleno, me encanta el sabor, fragancia textura y brillo de este gloss. En cuanto a los efectos de relleno a largo plazo, lo he estado usando una vez al día durante aproximadamente un mes y obviamente mis labios no se ven drásticamente más rellenos, pero puedo decir que se notan más carnosos, más gruesos al tacto y definitivamente más jugosos y con aspecto más joven.

The thing is that for a lip gloss to provide a plumping effect, it has to do something, otherwise it would be a regular lip gloss. TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper definitely plumps lips but it’s not cosmetic surgery and won’t get you the results of a cosmetic surgery procedure. I think it’s important to note that keeping realistic expectations for these sort of products is a must, because at the end of the day it’s just makeup, not magic. My lips are naturally full and TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper really helps to boost up natural volume to keep my lips plumped with passing time, as loss of collagen and elastin also affects lips. Apart from the plumping effect, I love the smell, taste, shine and texture of this lip gloss. As for the long-term fuller lips effect claim, I’ve been using it once a day for about a month and obviously my lips don’t look dramatically fuller, but I can tell they feel fleshier, thicker to the touch and definitely juicier and younger-looking.

La línea TOO FACED Lip Injection es bastante amplia y hay varias opciones de brillo labial de efecto relleno entre las que elegir. Este es el único producto de la gama Lip Injection de TOO FACED que he probado y no puedo compararlo con los demás, pero en mi opinión TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper funciona como una alternativa no invasiva a los rellenos de labios para conseguir unos labios más rellenos al instante y a largo plazo con el uso continuado más bonitos, rosados y carnosos.

TOO FACED Lip Injection line is quite a thing and there are several plumping lip gloss options to choose from. This is the only Lip Injection product I tried from TOO FACED and I can’t relate it to others, but in my honest opinion TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper works as a non-invasive alternative to lip fillers to get instantly plumper lips and with continued use, long lasting results in terms of more beautiful, rosier, naturally fleshier lips.

TOO FACED Lip Injection Extreme Lip Pumper 29€

Utilizas brillo de labios de efecto relleno? Cuál es tu favorito? Has probado algún producto de la gama Lip Injection de TOO FACED? No olvides compartir tu opinión en la sección de comentarios.

Do you use plumping lip glosses? Which one is your favorite? Have you tried any product from TOO FACED Lip Injection line? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section.

Muchas gracias por leer y hasta la próxima publicación!

Thank you so much for reading and see you next post!

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  1. I’d be curious to try Too Faced’s offering to compare. Generally speaking, I feel that glosses are great anti agers and just tend to look really pretty. I remember in the mid 2010s there was this massive trend of matte lipsticks and matte liquid lips – I don’t find them flattering on most people except teenagers or women in their very early twenties! Everyone else looks better to me in a satin or high gloss finish lip product.

    Before Corona I was using Duwop’s Lip Venom which is a very spicy, cinnamon-y gloss that did burn but I didn’t mind because it was lightly moisturising. Have you tried that one?

    1. Yes, I totally agree with you, matte lipsticks are very difficult to wear. I own some matte lipsticks and most times I end up adding some gloss on top. Satin and shiny finish lipsticks are much more wearable and flattering.

      I haven´t tried Duwop´s Lip Venom, it sounds good! Thank you for sharing, I will check it up.

      Thank you so much for your always interesting comments!

  2. Now this blog post is a show stopper 🙂 Fascinating what products are available on the market.
    Thank you for testing the lip injection extreme lip plumper.
    I can see how I would use it to up my look for a social event 🙂

    I love the new look of your website!

    1. Thank you so much Patricia! I love the design and creative part of blogging and posting.

      I read many reviews claiming the product was harmful and caused allergic reactions. I could not possibly believe a plumping lip gloss could be harmful, so I gave it a go and discovered it´s actually the opposite, it nicely plumps lips with no other side effect than a soft tingling sensation and a naturally red flush on lips.

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!!

  3. I’ve always been curious about this gloss. Quite interesting that it does slightly plump the lips, but I find that glosses rub off the lips too quickly for me to buy one for such an effect. It’s tempting, but I think I should stick with my Fenty glosses & Biossance Balm. Thanks for the review!

    1. The thing is that the gloss effect of Too Faced Lip Injection Extreme is quite long lasting, more than any other lip gloss I ever tried as the product texture is very thick, and the plumping effect stays on for some hours, even when the gloss vanishes. I need to try the Fenty lip glosses though, I read many good reviews! Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  4. Really good review about the lip injection. I have used it myself and it does plump the lips, but as you say, it won’t be like a cosmetic procedure.

    1. I think this is the problem with most people who buy beauty products and have high expecttations, hoping for results you can only obtain with cosmetic surgery. In skincare, the only way to get results is using the right active ingredients and applying them consistently. Results won´t be dramatic but will definitely show an improvement over time.

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