GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation review

Si te gustan las bases de maquillaje de acabado luminoso, descubre que esperar de GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation.

If you love natural glowy foundations discover what to expect of GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation.

Durante la última década GUERLAIN se ha centrado en llevar a cabo iniciativas ecológicas y como resultado sus productos de belleza han experimentado una transformación, siendo más naturales pero manteniendo los mismos estándares de calidad y eficacia. Entre ellos se encuentra la base de maquillaje GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation.

GUERLAIN has been focusing on eco-friendly initiatives for the last decade and as a result, their beauty products have experimented a transformation, becoming more natural but keeping the same standards of quality and performance. Among them is GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation.

GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation es una base de maquillaje de muy buena cobertura, acabado luminoso y beneficios para la piel. Elaborada con un 97 % de ingredientes de origen natural, esta base de maquillaje promete un acabado luminoso natural con una duración de 16 horas. La naturalidad y la eficacia se unen en esta base de maquillaje sin siliconas, aceite o alcohol, cosa poco frecuente en el sector del maquillaje de lujo. Aunque GUERLAIN lanzó esta base en 2019, no ha sido hasta ahora que he tenido la oportunidad de probarla gracias a una muestra que estaba incluida en un pedido on-line que hice de productos GUERLAIN. Descubre a continuación mi opinión sobre esta base luminosa.

GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation is all about great coverage, natural-looking, glowy finish and skin-loving benefits. Made with 97% naturally-derived ingredients, this foundation promises a natural glow finish that lasts for 16 hours. Naturalness and makeup performance come together in this foundation free of silicones, oil or alcohol, quite of a rare thing in the luxury makeup industry. Although GUERLAIN launched this foundation back in 2019, it’s not until now I got the chance to swatch it thanks to a sample that was included in an online order I made of GUERLAIN products. Scroll down to find out my verdict on this glow foundation.

Beneficios Benefits

GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation es una base de maquillaje muy completa que no sólo proporciona un acabado glow impecable sino que además incorpora beneficios para la piel.

Beneficios principales:

  • Base natural de acabado luminoso de 16 horas de duración
  • Formulada con un 97% de ingredientes de origen natural
  • Sin siliconas, aceite ni alcohol
  • SPF 20
  • Tecnología prebiótica y probiótica incorporada que respeta y mantiene la microbiota de la piel
  • Ingredientes protectores de la piel, como los extractos de tara y los de algas rojas que dejan respirar la piel y la protegen de la contaminación
  • Ingredientes que potencian la belleza de la piel, como el extracto de cacao blanco y el de yacón que mantienen el equilibrio natural de la piel, mejoran la hidratación y ayudan a fortalecer la barrera cutánea

GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation not only provides a flawless, glowy complexion but also includes lots of skin-loving ingredients.

Main benefits:

  • 16-hour glow with a natural-looking finish
  • Formulated with 97% natural origin ingredients
  • Oil, silicone and alcohol free
  • SPF 20
  • A built in prebiotic and probiotic technology that maintains the skin’s microbiota
  •  Skin-protecting ingredients, such as tara and red algae extracts that let skin breathe and protect it from pollution
  • Skin-boosting ingredients, such as white cocoa bean extract as well as yacon juice that maintain the skin’s natural balance, improve hydration and help strengthen the skin barrier

Tonos Swatches

GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation está disponible en 30 tonos diferentes que se adaptan a todos los tonos de piel. Mi tono es 03N Natural, un beige con subtono neutro. Los subtonos neutros están muy bien logrados en esta base de maquillaje, algo bastante fuera de lo común, ya que la mayoría de las bases que prometen ser neutras mantienen demasiados subtonos cálidos (naranja) o fríos (rosa) en sus fórmulas y no son neutros reales.

Tono 03N Natural – 03N Natural shade

GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation comes in 30 shades to match every skin tone. My shade match is 03N Natural, a beautiful beige with neutral undertones. The neutral undertones are perfectly matched here, something quite out of the ordinary really, as most foundations claiming to be neutral keep too many warm (orange) or cold (pink) undertones in their formulas and they are not actual neutrals.

El envase The bottle

El envase de GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation es único. Diseñado por Mathieu Lehanneur, este singular envase de inspiración geométrica parece más un frasco de perfume que uno de maquillaje. El envase de cristal desprende lujo sofisticado y alta calidad, se nota su solidez sólo con sostenerlo. No es el envase más práctico para llevar en el bolso pero realmente queda precioso en el tocador.

GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation bottle is one of a kind. Designed by Mathieu Lehanneur, this unique geometric-inspired bottle looks more like a perfum bottle than a makeup one. The glass bottle exudes quality, it feels solid in the hand and it really looks luxe. It’s not the most practical bottle to carry in your handbag but it really looks gorgeous in your vanity.

Reseña Review

GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation tiene una fórmula realmente única. La primera vez que probé esta base de maquillaje me cautivó al instante porque me sentó de maravilla en la piel. Después de investigar un poco y descubrir todos sus beneficios para la piel, entendí el por qué.

GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation has a pretty unique formula. The first time I tried this foundation I fell in love with it straight away because it felt great on my skin. After doing some research and finding out all its skin-loving benefits I undertood why.

Textura Texture

GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation tiene una textura suave y sedosa que se adhiere en la piel fácilmente. A pesar de que su textura es densa, rica y cremosa es muy fácil trabajar su cobertura y la fórmula se funde perfectamente en la piel sin asentarse en arrugas ni acartonarse. En mi opinión, esta base realmente destaca por su capacidad de graduar la cobertura. Cubre manchas e imperfecciones y borra las ojeras hasta el punto de que no necesito usar corrector. No se siente pesada en la piel, da más bien la sensación de llevar un producto de tratamiento, ya que la piel se nota nutrida y jugosa después de aplicarla.

GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation has a lovely silky smooth texture that goes onto skin effortlessly. Even though the texture is really thick, rich and creamy it’s really easy to build up coverage and the formula blends seamlessly into skin without sitting in fine lunes le looking cakey. I think this foundation really excels at layerability. It covers blemishes and imperfections and masks undereye dark circles to the point I don’t need to use any concealer. It doesn’t feel heavy on skin, it kind of feels like skincare, as my skin feels nourished and plumped up after applying it.

Acabado Finish

Esta base de maquillaje proporciona una luminosidad muy natural con un acabado jugoso extremadamente favorecedor. Realmente me encanta lo impecable, saludable y luminosa que se ve mi piel cuando uso esta base de maquillaje. El producto se mantiene impecable en la piel durante todo el día. Personalmente, me gusta llevarla directamente sobre el serum o la crema hidratante sin necesidad de primer, polvos fijadores o spray fijador, ya que al incorporar otros productos se reduce una de las mejores características de esta base: su precioso acabado radiante y luminoso.

This foundation delivers a very flattering soft glow with an extremely pretty dewy finish. I really love how flawless, healthy and glowy my skin looks when I wear this foundation. The product holds up flawlessly on skin throughout the day. I personally like wearing it on its own directly over my serum or moisturizer with no need for primer, setting powder or setting spray. as adding other layers of product minimizes one of the best features of this foundation: the gorgeous radiant and glowy finish.

Fragancia Fragrance

Todos los cosméticos de GUERLAIN son conocidos por sus fragancias intensas y cautivadoras. Si no te gustan las bases de maquillaje con perfume, esta base no es para ti. GUERLAIN describe esta fragancia como “amaderada almizclada que se abre con una nota de salida de almendra blanca. La delicada nota de corazón de té blanco revela una nota de fondo suave y cremosa de sándalo. Su encanto se sublima con notas de almizcle blanco y haba tonka”. Personalmente, me encanta porque es delicadamente dulce, sofisticada y muy sensorial.

All GUERLAIN beauty products are known for their rich and captivating fragrances. If you don’t like fragranced foundations, this one isn’t really for you. GUERLAIN describes the scent as “a musky woody fragrance that opens with a white almond top note. The delicate middle note of white tea reveals a soft and creamy sandalwood base note. Its charm is sublimed by white musk and tonka bean notes”. I personally love it because it’ delicately sweet and feels totally luxurious.

En resumen, esta base de maquillaje es sorprendentemente buena. Si estás buscando una base de maquillaje que proporcione una cobertura modulable con un acabado luminoso natural y que además incorpore ingredientes naturales beneficiosos para la piel, esta base es para tí. Una base de maquillaje que cuida y respeta tu piel y proporciona uno de los acabados luminosos más favorecedores que he probado.

In overview, this foundation is surprisingly good. If you’re looking for a foundation that offers buildable coverage with a natural glowy finish and skin-loving ingredients, this is the one for you. A foundstion that protects and treats your skin while providing one of the most beautiful glowy finishes I ever tried.

GUERLAIN L’Essentiel Natural Glow Foundation

Te gustan las bases de maquillaje de acabado luminoso? Cuál es tu favorita? Has probado esta base de maquillaje? No olvides compartir tu opinión en la sección de comentarios.

Do you like glow finish foundations? Which one is your favorite? Have you tried this foundation? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section.

Muchas gracias por leer y hasta la próxima publicación!

Thank you so much for reading and see you next post!

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  1. such an aesthetically pleasing post Blanca! i love the packaging of the Guerlain rose gold products and they looked so good on your spread of things! x

    1. Thank you so much Madeleine! So happy to know you liked the post. I was a bit shocked the first time I saw the Guerlain foundation bottle. It actually took me a while to get used to it, but now I truly love it because it looks so unique and luxe!

  2. I find Guerlain too expensive. Is this product really worth so much money? Of course, Monsieur Arnault will get richer and richer by selling Guerlain. Do we need to stuff the purse of one of the world’s richest men?

    1. This is a very interesting point Olivia. In the market there are available makeup and skincare products that range from very affordable to very expensive. For me it gets to the point that I only buy what I had the chance to sample first. If I like how the product performs then I invest in it, regardless if it’s affordable or expensive. Performance and results are really a must for me and some products excel in performance. I must say this is the case of this foundation from Guerlain.

      1. I have never tried the cosmetics series of Guerlain, Blanca. I was talking about Guerlain perfumes. I used to buy them, they were (or are) about 100 euros a bottle (some more, some less). They are of course very good perfumes. Now I buy my perfumes in Moscow, from a firm called Novaya Zarja (New Dawn). They cost only 10 euros a bottle and are just as good.

        I think that with Guerlain and other prestigious high fashion brands – clothes, shoes, bags, cosmetics, perfumes – you buy the brand. You pay about 90 percent of your money for the name, and only 10 percent for the contents, the product itself.

        I certainly and definitely and totally refuse to spend my hard-earned money to pay for a name, just like I will never walk with a brand name on my T-shirt, dress or bag – unless the firm pays me for it!

      2. I agree with you that with prestigious brands you pay more for the brand than for the actual product. This is the case of most designer bags, which cost astronomical amounts of money that cannnot be justified for a bag. But as long as there are people who enjoy spending their money in these luxe pieces, prestigious brands will keep creating them. I must say that these luxe pieces, and I mean the highly prestigious brands, have high standards of quality, unique, creative and avantgarde designs that are handmade and crafted with the best materials to last for a life time. High standards of quality come at a price and it´s up to the consumers to decide where they want to invest their money.

        I will check this perfume brand Nobaya Zarja, it really sounds good, thank you for sharing.

      3. What you write is true. I once owned a Dior bag and it lasted forever. I do not pay such horrendous prices any more now. I do not need my bags to last for a lifetime.

        I also do not buy expensive perfumes like Guerlain any more. I love the aromas of Novaya Zarya. They are wonderful and do not cost much.

  3. Nice post 👍but the products is too expensive

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, this foundation comes at a high price tag but it provides remarkable skin benefits and it excels in performance, plus you can get it at a cheaper price at most online beauty shops for around 35€.

  4. I do like glowy foundations and Guerlain has amazing products!

  5. Such a beautiful packaging and your personal views is awesome. ☀️

  6. Never tried this one, I’ve used Guerlain foundations in the past and they never really matched my skin, but it’s probably time to revisit their shade range. I’m usually not a fan of scented foundations but that description sounds absolutely delicious, now I want to try it in store just so I can sniff it.

    1. If you don’t like scented foundations this might not be for you because the fragrance is quite noticeable. But you never know. I’m not a big fan of scented foundations myself yet I love this one very much. I also got the Météorites (in shade Medium, as the Holiday 2021 edition was sold out) and I absolutely love them!

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

      1. I have to try it. If I end up loving the scent it won’t bother me at all 🙂

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