The four makeup rules I never use in my makeup routine

Me gusta el maquillaje natural y que mi rutina de maquillaje sea lo más simple posible. Estas pueden ser las razones por las que me resulta difícil seguir algunas de las normas de maquillaje más usadas por los expertos. Sigue leyendo para descubrir las cuatro normas de maquillaje que incumplo a la hora de crear mi maquillaje diario.

I like my makeup to look natural and my makeup routine to be as simple as possible. These might be the reasons I find difficult to follow some of the makeup rules the experts swear by. Keep reading to discover the four makeup rules I purposely break in order to create my everyday makeup.

Llevo sólo tres años siendo bloguera de belleza, pero mi pasión por el maquillaje no es nueva. Siempre he tenido mucha curiosidad por descubrir los consejos, trucos y reglas de maquillaje seguidos por maquilladores profesionales, editores de belleza y celebrities. Dicen que saber es poder, por lo que siempre me resultó muy instructivo aprender los mejores consejos de la mano de los expertos.

Despite being a beauty blogger for only three years, my passion for makeup is nothing new. I have always been on the lookout for makeup tips, tricks and rules followed by makeup artists, beauty editors and celebrities. They say knowledge is power, so I always found very instructive learning the best tips from the experts and absorbing every trick they swear by.

A pesar de que encuentro la mayoría de estos consejos súper útiles e interesantes, a lo largo de los años he podido comprobar que hay algunas normas de maquillaje claramente establecidas que no consigo incorporar a mi rutina de maquillaje.    

As much as I find most of these tips and rules incredibly useful and totally interesting, over the years I’ve come to realize there are four well known, stablished makeup rules I never quite manage to use consistently in my makeup routine.

Maquillarse lleva tiempo y por mucho que me gustaría dedicar una hora al día para crear el look de maquillaje perfecto, la realidad del día a día es muy diferente. Se trata de encontrar el modo de verse bien en el menor tiempo posible. Esto significa que he tenido que customizar una rutina de maquillaje que encaja con mi día a día y personalidad, independientemente de lo que aconsejan los expertos.

Makeup takes time and as much as I would love to spend an hour doing my makeup every day, this is not a realistic approach. It’s a question of finding a way to look good in as little time as possible. This means I had to customize a makeup routine that works in my everyday and suits my needs regardless of what the experts advise.

Sigue leyendo para descubrir las cuatro normas de maquillaje que siempre me salto porque no acaban de encajar en mi rutina de maquillaje.

Continue reading to discover the four makeup rules I always skip as I find particularly difficult to fit them into my makeup routine.


I use foundation a shade darker than my skin tone

Utilizo base de maquillaje una tonalidad más oscura que mi tono de piel

Los maquilladores profesionales y los vendedores de maquillaje siempre me han aconsejado comprar la base de maquillaje del mismo tono que mi piel, pero siempre que he seguido su consejo, la base de maquillaje en cuestión ha acabado en el fondo de un cajón sin ser apenas utilizada. Tengo la piel muy clara, especialmente la del rostro, y cuando utilizó bases de maquillaje del mismo tono que mi piel, parece literalmente que estoy enferma. Utilizar una base de maquillaje un tono o dos más oscuro, me ayuda a conseguir un aspecto más saludable y favorecedor mucho más natural del que consigo aplicando polvos bronceadores o la técnica del contouring. Como suelo utilizar bases de cobertura media y acabado luminoso, el resultado es muy natural. Este tipo de bases no son tan pigmentadas como las bases de alta cobertura y acabado mate, por lo que no oscurecen la piel en exceso.

Makeup artists and sales assistants always advised me to buy my foundation the same shade as my skin tone, but every time I followed their advice, the foundation ended up at the back of a drawer totally unused. I am naturally very pale, specially my face. When I match foundation to my actual skin tone, I literally look as if I was ill. Going a shade or two darker helps me to get a warmer complexion with a healthy sun-kissed glow in a much more natural way than applying bronzer all over my face or using the contour technique. As I use medium coverage foundations with a glowy finish, the result looks very natural. This kind of foundations are not as pigmented as full coverage matte finish foundations and going a shade or two darker doesn’t mean I look overly tanned.

CHANEL Vitalumière Satin Smoothing Fluid Makeup

ESTÉE LAUDER Futurist Hydra Rescue Moisturizing Makeup


No me pinto las cejas 

I don´t shape my brows

Siempre me ha gustado llevar las cejas naturales. No importa lo que digan los maquilladores profesionales sobre la importancia de unas cejas perfectamente delineadas. Siempre que intento pintarme las cejas no me siento yo misma. Tengo la sensación de que las cejas pintadas me ponen años y se ven artificiales. Me gusta que mi maquillaje se vea natural y cuando mis cejas tienen ese aspecto súper delineado me veo demasiado arreglada. He probado con lápices de cejas y geles con color en gran variedad de tonalidades, pero al final siempre acabo llevando mis cejas naturales. Además noto que pintar mis cejas las perjudica y hace que se debiliten. Lo único que hago es aplicar gel transparente para fijarlas.

I always loved wearing my brows natural. It doesn’t matter what makeup artists say about how important perfectly shaped brows are. Whenever I try to shape my brows with makeup I don´t feel like myself. I feel shaped brows age me and look really fake on me. I like my makeup to look natural and when my eyebrows are perfectly shaped with makeup I feel too “done”. I tried with brow pencils and colored brow gels in all sort of different shades, but eventually I always go for the natural brow look. I also find that shaping my brows with makeup damages and weakens them. The only thing I do with my brows is applying a bit of fixing clear gel to keep them in place.

NYX Control Freak Eyebrow Gel

NYX The Brow Glue


No utilizo perfilador de labios

I don’t use lip liner

Los maquilladores profesionales aseguran que aplicar perfilador por todo el labio es la mejor forma de que el pintalabios aguante todo el día. Y es cierto, pero si sigo este consejo noto que el perfilador sólo consigue que mis labios se vean más secos y hace que se resequen más todavía. El perfilador también ayuda a crear el efecto de unos labios más rellenos, pero para mi nada funciona mejor que los bálsamos y aceites labiales con color para mantener mis labios hidratados y conseguir que se vean con más volumen. En mi experiencia, el perfilador labial me resulta útil para realzar los labios en ocasiones especiales cuando quiero un look de maquillaje más glamuroso, pero no en mi maquillaje diario.

Makeup artists always say that using lip liner is the best way to keep lipstick in place all day long. As much as this is true, I find that if I follow this tip my lips feel and look drier than they already are. Lip liner also helps to create the illusion of fuller lips, but for me nothing works best than tinted lip balms, lip oils or balm-like lipsticks to keep my lips hydrated and make them look naturally fuller. In my experience, I find that lip liners work for special occasions when I want to look a bit more glam, but not for everyday makeup.

CLARINS Lip Comfort Oil

NARS After Glow Lip Balm


Me pongo mucho colorete

I apply tones of blusher

Los maquilladores profesionales siempre aseguran que hay que aplicar la regla del menos es más con el colorete, ya que pasarse con el blush puede resultar en un desastre algo complicado de rectificar. El caso es que para mí, nada funciona mejor que el blush para esculpir las mejillas y conseguir buena cara en cuestión de segundos. Para evitar unas mejillas cargadas de producto, utilizo coloretes en crema o fórmulas en polvo traslúcidas que me permiten modular la cobertura y crear capas para unas mejillas esculpidas a la perfección de la forma más sencilla.

Makeup artists always swear by the less-is-more rule with blusher, as going heavy applying it might result in a blush disaster too difficult to correct. But the thing is for me blusher works as the best trick to sculpt cheeks and get a healthy complexion in a matter of seconds. To avoid overdoing it with blush, I go for cream blushers or sheer powders that allow me to build up and layer for seamless, effortless sculpted cheeks.

NARS Orgasm Blush

KIKO Precious Rituals Vegan Blush

Qué normas de maquillaje encuentras particularmente útiles? Hay alguna norma de maquillaje que no te guste utilizar? No olvides compartir tu opinión en la sección de comentarios.

What makeup rules do you find particularly useful? Do you purposely break any makeup rules? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section.

Muchas gracias por leer y hasta la próxima publicación!

Thank you so much for reading and see you next post!

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  1. so elegant!

    1. Thank you so much!

  2. It feels good to break a few rules and I love yours 🙂

    I feel like a fake version of myself when I try to draw my eyebrows too 😉

    1. Hi Patricia! Nice to hear I´m not the only one who doesn’t like drawing shaping the eyebrows. I think it´s good to learn the best rules, tricks and tips from the experts, but only take the ones that really suit us and go with our personality.

  3. Yay for clear brow gels!

    I’ll admit to using brow pencil whenever I dye my hair and want to match my dye job and brows more closely, but I prefer natural brows with my natural hair too.

    And I somehow can’t seem to get into lipliner either! When I was a kid, in the 90s, there was this trend of lining your lips with dark liner (only on the outside perimeter of the lips) and fill in the empty space with clear or frosty gloss. It looked good on absolutely no one and scarred me for life. Was that ever a trend where you lived at the time?

    1. Yes, it was a big trend here as well! I perfectly remember it. I didn’t like it at all at the time and I hope it never becomes trendy again. Fingers crossed because everything 90’s is making a comeback these days.
      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  4. I really like this article. Breaking rules is important to let creativity flow and to be able to create something more genuine.

    1. Thank you so much Michele! Breaking some makeup rules is fun and this way I can get makeup my own way, play with whatever works for me regardless of rules.

  5. Great tips! After I read your post, I’m relieved breaking some of the rules what make up influencer insists on doing. To me, some technique of putting eyeliner is too much😳

    1. I think it´s fun to break up some makeup rules and just use what works for each of us, otherwise it might get too much hard work. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  6. Loved it !!

    1. Thank you so much!

  7. These sound really practical to me, especially the eyebrow and lip liner rules. Like you, I prefer the natural eyebrow, and Iip liner is not my thing – although it’s wonderful on glam occasions, as you mentioned.

    1. Hello Ruth! Glam makeup is great, but for everyday life I think it´s best to find the perfect balance between being practical and looking nice. Breaking some well stablished makeup rules makes the job easier.

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  8. You are not alone, I always break the first rule in the summer, and I’m with you whenbit comes to the second rule 100%. Filling in my brows also ages me a lot. Rules are great as long as they work

    1. I totally agree! I swear by some makeup rules but some others are not for me. Thank you so much for all your comments!

  9. Oishwaria says:

    These are priceless tips. I think I always end up over-doing it. Keeping it natural is the way to go 💜

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, keeping it natural is the way to go, specially for day time makeup looks. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

  10. I just can’t do the shaped brows thing. It just doesn’t work on me.

    And wait – you’ve been blogging for only three years? That’s amazing – your website, photography, and writing are top notch!

    1. Thank you so much Ruth! Yes, I started blogging about three years ago and I learned so much in these three years! When I look back at my first posts I realise I’ve come a long way. I really enjoy blogging and sharing what I feel passionate about, trying to improve and creating better content as I keep learning, I do it all by myself and it’s hard work, but it really pays off.

      I think brows look best natural, so I always keep them looking that way.

  11. Thanks for sharing from your experience with us!

    1. Thank you so much for reading and comenting!

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